
歡迎充滿才華的你,加入我們的團隊!請參考下方職缺,並通過 info@pivot-services.nl 聯繫我們。

Italian Marketing Specialist

Working Hours:
16+ per week (flexible schedule)

Delft city center, near Beestenmarkt.

Candidates should have excellent language skills (C2 minimum) in Italian, and in English (B2+), care deeply about their choice of wording, and have basic knowledge of PC components and/or electronic devices.

Additional skillsets: knowledge of google adwords, or Excellent language skill in German are a plus.

Italian Marketing Specialist

Working Hours:
16+ per week (flexible schedule)

Delft city center, near Beestenmarkt.

Candidates should have excellent language skills (C2 minimum) in Italian, and in English (B2+), care deeply about their choice of wording, and have basic knowledge of PC components and/or electronic devices.

Additional skillsets: knowledge of google adwords, or Excellent language skill in German are a plus.

Italian Marketing Specialist

Working Hours:
16+ per week (flexible schedule)

Delft city center, near Beestenmarkt.

Candidates should have excellent language skills (C2 minimum) in Italian, and in English (B2+), care deeply about their choice of wording, and have basic knowledge of PC components and/or electronic devices.

Additional skillsets: knowledge of google adwords, or Excellent language skill in German are a plus.

